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Sunrise Macher Jhol Masala 50g


  • Buy Bengali Sunrise Macher Jhol Masala Online: Sunrise Macher Jhol Masala is a delicate blend of cumin, ginger, black pepper, red chilli and turmeric gives this mix the usually inimitable Bengali flavour.
  • Our Machher Jhol powder imparts the essence of machher jhol to your dish, as well as a comforting thick goodness.
  • Add this to your dish which is the heart of every Bengali’s definition of home.
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Sunrise is a leading producer of spices.With decades of industry experience, the company focuses on providing quality spices and food ingredients to the consumers. The company’s brand philosophy is based on bringing newer innovations to the market and better quality spices to the consumers.

About product: Sunrise Machher Jhol Powder is available in different quantity packages that include Sachet, 50gm (Box) The Machher Jhol is made from fine quality are grounded and processed with our advanced grinders. We ensure that you get the authentic flavor of finest and Testy in the Sunrise Machher Jhol.